The Power of a Praying® Woman by Stormie Omartian


Harvest House Publishers,

Pub Date 01 Feb 2014.

ISBN: 9780736957762.

PRICE: $14.99

As we pray for our families and friends, God wants to hear our prayers for our own lives as well. He absolutely loves it when we come to Him for our needs and ask Him to help us to become the women of our highest ideals. The Power of a Praying® Woman is filled with personal illustrations, selected Bible verses and heartfelt prayers to help us to trust God with our deepest longings and personal needs. This book covers every area of our lives with prayer and helps you to maintain a right heart before God. Each chapter concludes with an anointed prayer. We will find renewed hope and Spirit-filled purpose for our lives with The Power of a Praying® Woman.

Stormie Omartian’s deep, in-depth knowledge of Scripture and candid revelations of her own struggles give reassuring guidance to those who seek God’s presence in their lives. We will learn how to trust God with the deepest longings of our hearts, pray when life threatens to spin out of control. This book will cover every area of our lives in prayer and help us to keep a right heart before God to build up our prayer lives. God longs for us to be in His presence.

This book helps us to deal with all the difficult issues in our lives and gives us applicable tools to use for our journey in Christ, which help us to stay on track and grow deeper. It is a powerful tool to help women of all ages connect with God. Stormie Omartian’s style of writing make her books inspiring. Her extremely practical, down-to-earth way of dealing with the many aspects of our lives with prayer and spiritual guidance is a tremendous blessing. This book is a strong Biblical foundation to teach us to pray with the right perspectives and attitudes, with steadfast faith in God’s awesome promises, as the author takes us deeper into Godly living. Stormie Omartian is an awesome prayer warrior, having gone through the bitter agony, torment and pain of innumerable severely traumatic trials.

Miriam Jacob