GOD’S BLESSING – Stacey L. Sanchez

God will always bless us
with that which matters most.

Naaman had leprosy.
He longed to be cured
of this dreadful disease.
And yet,
God knew Naaman
was suffering from something
more deadly than leprosy.

When this powerful man
approached God’s servant, Elisha,
he expected his method of healing
would match his position.
He thought his title
would dictate his healing.
God had other plans.

Naaman wanted to be blessed
with healthy, new skin;
God wanted to bless Naaman
with that which matters most.

Naaman wanted God
to heal him of leprosy;
God wanted to heal Naaman
of a prideful spirit.

Seven dips later,
in the Jordan River,
God healed Naaman of both.

© Stacy L. Sanchez


“IF ONLY I COULD” – Stacy L. Sanchez

Publisher: Stacy L. Sanchez

Date of Publication: August 10, 2018)

ISBN-13: 978-1732632707

IF ONLY I COULD” by Stacy L. Sanchez is her agonizing heart’s cry in the painful, loss-filled aftermath of her husband’s sudden death. Griefstricken, Stacy has to learn how to live life on its altered scale, battling incredible loss, overwhelming sorrow, never-ending heartache and raw pain.
Intimate and painfully honest, “IF ONLY I COULD” is a poignant, personal journey through grief.
Stacy writes so movingly about finding hope in the midst of devastating loss. She speaks straight from the heart, and her life-giving words bring healing and hope to people.
This book takes us on a true spiritual journey of the heart. The author instinctively understands the hurt of the human heart, when confronted with agonizing pain, that refuses to go away. Stacy delves deeper into the things of God to find comfort and solace. Faced with utter loss, Stacy learns to rely upon Christ to heal her heart and give her His joy. This eye-opening book is a dramatic portrayal of the devastating journey through heartrending grief, a poignant love story and a source of immense comfort and inspiration to all those who have lost loved ones. As Stacy shares her life’s experiences, her openness touches our hearts as we identify with her feelings of loss. Stacy instinctively knows how to speak to the heart. She is a gifted writer who honestly shares God’s anointed wisdom through the loss, grief and pain of her own life. Both a blessing and an inspiration, Stacy L. Sanchez has a pure, honest, faithful and sincere heart that helps to heal aching hearts and fill them with God’s joy.

This book is an undying testament to the selfless love of Steve Sanchez, as Stacy knew him. It will serve to keep Steve’s evergreen memory alive. I thank God for the awesome way in which God brought Stacy triumphantly through the dark, distressing journey of grief into the brilliant sunshine of a joy-filled life, lived for God’s glory.

© Miriam Jacob


You’ll Be Fine, Beautiful. You’ve Got God – Stacy L. Sanchez

Publisher: Stacy L. Sanchez
Date of Publication: February 27, 2019
ISBN-13: 978-1732632721
Price: $16.80

The breath of heaven blows refreshingly through the anointed, inspiring words of Stacy L. Sanchez in her book, “You’ll Be Fine, Beautiful. You’ve Got God.” It is written in the divine unction of the Holy Spirit. The fire of God rests upon every page of this awesome book, breathing its life-giving words into the hearts of its readers.

Stacy L. Sanchez is an inspired pen in the hands of her Creator, a royal and dignified daughter of God. Stacy lives to reflect Christ’s glory, like a multi-faceted diamond reflects sparkling rays of light.

When faced with grief, Stacy bowed quietly before the Lord and laid her life as a humble offering at His feet. God touched her heart His purity and she sparked into life as a vivid flame to write for His glory.

Stacy’s books were born out of her own heart’s travail as she struggled to come to terms with unbearable grief after the death of her precious husband. She pours into her books the spiritual experiences of her faith walk with God. Stacy experienced God in amazing ways right in the midst of raw grief.

This book is her amazing testimony to the glorious power of God in her life. It will bless the hearts of all who read it. Every word in the book is so inspiring that it arrested my attention in a way that no other book ever did. I highly recommend it to readers worldwide.

© Miriam Jacob