MIRACLE HEALING – Aleyamma Jacob

Five months ago, I had a silent heart attack and kidney failure. I became unconscious and was on a ventilator for two days. God gradually healed me over the past few months and I lived to tell my testimony on my birthday! Glory to God. Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ. Blessed Holy Spirit. Amen.

Aleyamma Jacob


The Battle God Fought – Ruth Susan George


Published in the September issue of Ruby magazine, USA – source:

Psalms 119:68 –

“God is good, what He does is good”

Hello, my name is Ruth Susan George. I am now in year 7 of Children’s Service. I am going to share one incident in my life where God Fought the Battle for me and my family. I still have a scar to remind of this amazing moment. But, wait I am getting ahead of myself, that battle goes like this.

Back in April 2018, my family and I, straight after my 11th birthday went to India for the Easter holidays. Unusually, this time I wasn’t very excited to go and was persuading myself to be. After landing at Cochin we had to go and visit some family members along the way and at the end we reached my father’s house late evening. Now, I had nothing to do but my father did. Dad had to go to an optician to fix glasses and since I had nothing to do I forced myself to go. I asked my mum to come with us as well. My father’s testing was taking time, so my mum wanted to test her eyes because she had been having some headaches. I also said I wanted mine checked in the hope of getting a new frame, although I started wearing one only 6 months before. When mine was tested, I couldn’t see the first letter of every row. The optician suggested to consult an Ophthalmologist. My parents booked an appointment and got it on the day before my father was leaving back to Doha.

My aunt from Ernakulam had come for that night so my father didn’t really want to go. But my mother insisted that we should. Anyway, we went to Chaithanya Hospital and it took the whole day with tests and scans. While my scanning was progressing, I saw the doctor talking seriously with my parents. At the end, the doctor wrote a letter and told us to see a Neurologist before leaving the country. We went home and I was told to go and lie down. I found my father calling the airline to change his flight. I also remember that my parents were being very soft with me after the scan.
We went to Indo-American Hospital in Vaikom for further consultation. On the way I was singing a chorus repeatedly and it was ‘On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand’. My mum asked me to stop singing as she was tensed hearing the word ‘sinking sand’. We saw the Neurologist and on his preliminary examination we were told there was nothing wrong with me. I was relieved, but then he said because of the Ophthalmologist’s letter I had to take an MRI. I was really sad and started crying. Anyway, we started taking other tests and went for lunch before taking MRI. After the MRI my mum told me to sit with my uncle while they went to meet the doctor. My mum came back and said, “Let’s go for a walk”. We went and she said, “Let’s go back slowly to Qatar”. Still I had no idea what was going on.
Next week I found myself in a hospital bed and about to have a surgery. You may ask why I was going to have a surgery, it was because I had brain tumor. Well, the night before the surgery, one of my mum’s friends Betsy aunty, from children’s service sent her a verse from the message she heard at the church and it was 2 Chronicles 20:15, ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s’. On the day of the surgery, I started singing a song ‘The enemy trembles every time cause he knows the battle is no longer mine’, which became the battle song for my parents, even though they never heard it before. After the surgery, I had some trouble to walk and had to be helped about. One morning, during prayer my mum asked me to read a Psalm. I read 126 thinking that was one of my father’s favourite. The Psalm says that nations and us will say that God has done great things for us. Later only I found my father’s favourite chapter was 128 and my parents think it was my Heavenly Father who prompted me to read this great promise. I was also told that lot of people, including Doha Children’s Service, joined the battle by praying for me.
So, this is my story and that is why I still have a scar on the back of my head. But what I learned is that, God will fight the battle for you whatever they are. So do not worry He will help you in times of troubles and is always there for you. I want to help and encourage others and that is why I think this has happened to me.
© Ruth Susan George