A Picture-book For Children Of All Ages 

PixTract: A Unique Tool To Spread The Gospel

Here is a Picture-book (PixTract) that presents the full story from creation, fall up to redemption and even the second coming of Christ.

Children simply LOVE this book. 

By: Dr. Johnson C. Philip & Dr. Saneesh Cherian
Copyright: 2018

Logos Literature Service Electronic Tracts
This Book Has Been Placed In Creative
Commons Copyright.

Electronic Tract Division
Logos Literature Service
English Electronic Tract 009



A Pot Of Oil And A Word From God! by Dana Jarvis

Now the wife of one of the sons of the prophets cried to Elisha, “Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that your servant feared the Lord, but the creditor has come to take my two children to be his slaves.” And Elisha said to her, “What shall I do for you? Tell me; what have you in the house?” And she said, “Your servant has nothing in the house except a jar of oil.” Then he said, “Go outside, borrow vessels from all your neighbors, empty vessels and not too few. Then go in and shut the door behind yourself and your sons and pour into all these vessels. And when one is full, set it aside.” So she went from him and shut the door behind herself and her sons. And as she poured they brought the vessels to her.  When the vessels were full, she said to her son, “Bring me another vessel.” And he said to her, “There is not another.” Then the oil stopped flowing.  She came and told the man of God, and he said, “Go, sell the oil and pay your debts, and you and your sons can live on the rest.”

2 Kings 4:1-7

Elisha came to a widow with her back against the wall in circumstances certainly not for the faint of heart. She had been left penniless with creditors beating on her door demanding payment she clearly did not have. I know may of us can relate to that story! They were even determined to take her two sons as bondsmen which the Mosaic law permitted them to do at that time.

However God heard the cry of this widow’s heart!

God saw beyond the woman’s circumstances. Elisha did not ask the widow what she did not have, but what she did. God already saw that pot of oil! Elisha then told her to do something totally out of ordinary as she would go and borrow other vessels. She faced an impossible situation, yet look what God did. She poured that oil into every container one after another as it multiplied right before her eyes. She went from penniless and on the verge of losing her sons to being totally debt-free!

Just a pot of oil and a word from God through his prophet Elisha changed everything!

You may be in some dire circumstances, but what do you have in your hands that God can use to cause a turnaround for you? That pot of oil became the widows secret to her financial breakthrough. That pot of oil represented her faith! Her act of sacrifice shattered the grip of poverty at that very moment.

If you will pour out your faith, God will use what you have. Disregard the reports of famine, lack and all the other lies the enemy is trying to feed you. Gods outpouring and harvest are ready to be unleashed into your life. You may feel you only have a little like the widow, but to God that little is much and can transform your life forever in a moment. Step out in faith and God will multiply everything you have in your hands.

Your future is so much greater than your past. Your tomorrows can be more prosperous than anything you have known before!

© Dana Jarvis


Dana Jarvis
Hezekiah’s Wall

Dana Jarvis is the Founder of Hezekiah’s Wall Ministry. She is a Prophetic Teacher, Intercessor, Christian Life Coach, and mainly a Spirit-Filled Daughter of the Lord, speaking forth His words of fire and passion. For her it is all about tearing down the walls and all the while shouting His Name. 


1,001 PROMISES OF GOD – compiled by Linda Hang – Barbour Publishing



© 2017 by Barbour Publishing, Inc.

Compiled by Linda Hang. Print ISBN 978-1-68322-168-5

Imprint: Barbour Books, an imprint of Barbour Publishing.

1,001 Promises of God gives us God’s strength when we are overburdened with the disappointments of life, and our heavy hearts give up all hope for a promising and fulfilling future. These 1,001 uplifting promises for God’s children are specially selected verses from the Holy Bible. which has an answer for every problem we face. Here are 1,001 of Scriptures’ most inspiring, encouraging and uplifting promises in the Bible. It is the most perfect pick-me-up to start our days with joy. Christ’s love will fill our heart to overflowing and it will spill out to others. This inspiring devotional will strike a deep chord in our hearts, and we will know the liberating power of God’s truth to set us free to love and serve Him all our days. These 1,001 Promises for God’s children will give us hope in a hopeless world and help us to cling to God on the most difficult of all days. We will find God’s most uplifting guarantees included in these inspiring 1,001 Promises of God. Here are the most powerful promises from our Creator, to refresh our spirits and give us a renewed sense of Christ’s love, joy and peace.

Miriam Jacob


The Prophetess – Deborah’s Story – by Jill Eileen Smith


Bold, outspoken and fearless as Israel’s most powerful woman, Deborah has faith in God but cannot see the hidden potential in her own life. As an Israelite woman, the mundane tasks of life seem to be more than sufficient to occupy her time and energy. But God has a unique plan for Deborah. He calls her to deliver her people from the oppression and constant terror of Canaan’s armies for twenty years. Will her family understand and her people believe in God’s calling upon her life? Jill Eileen Smith’s impeccable research and imaginative storytelling brings to life the mystical figure of Deborah in an intriguing and inspiring novel, giving vivid voice to the woman at the center of Israel’s victory over Canaan. This is a tale of indomitable courage, determination, fearless strength and passionate faith that bears the utmost significance and relevance for all ages.


Queen Esther’s Reflection: A Portrait of Grace, Courage, and Excellence – by Ann Platz


Learn how to make your home your palace, your work your court and your marriage a royal anointing by reflecting the excellence of character demonstrated by Queen Esther.

Author Ann Platz elegantly demonstrates in Queen Esther’s Reflection the lessons that are learned of heart, home and hope through the story of this noble woman of the Bible.

Ann Platz is a noted interior designer, author, storyteller, and speaker. Working as interior designer for more than 30 years, Ann’s design work has been featured in Traditional HomeArt & Antiques, and Southern Living magazines. She is the author of 12 books, written specifically for women. She currently lives in the Greater Atlanta area.
