SUNRISE – Susan May Warren

“Sunrise” by Susan May Warren is a beautiful story of love and forgiveness. The two main characters are Dodge Kingston and Echo Yazzie, a true Alaskan woman who, when her best friend and former flame, Dodge, left her just like her own mother did, settled bravely into life in Alaska, strong enough to stand on her own and live without them. This novel teaches us about the unbreakable bond of love and the power of forgiveness, which are inextricably linked forever. Absolutely nothing can separate them, try as we might. When we forgive, we free ourselves up to love. We open ourselves up to freedom. True love sets us free. Such is the amazing power of forgiveness. I highly recommend this book to all readers who battle with heartbreaking issues of love and forgiveness. As with “Sunrise,” the apt name of this book, may the Sun of righteousness arise for you with healing in its wings. May the love of God comfort you and give you peace. May He heal the aching hurt and pain in your heart. And may God give you the brand new beginning promised to all who forgive those who hurt them. Forgiveness can only happen with God’s love. Open your heart to Him and allow Him to heal your wounds. Thank you, Susan May Warren, for this healing book of love and forgiveness.

Miriam Jacob


TROUBLED WATERS by Susan May Warren

9781493412556 - Copy


ISBN: 9781493412556. PUB. DATE: Jan 2018. PRICE:  $14.99

“Troubled Waters” by Susan May Warren sparkles with redemption, resolution and saving grace amidst the picturesque beauty of a backdrop of wild Montana skies and sweeping scenery, wilderness suspense and romance. This is a high-stakes, swiftly-moving, dramatic, high-flying, mountaintop action-adventure, packed with snappy dialogue and flawed characters with emotional and spiritual challenges. It is a heartwarming story of love and sacrifice. It has an increasing complex plot and character development. Susan May Warren’s high peril situations are set at the height of human emotions, as she uses unusually trying situations and circumstances to make her characters depict illustrating truths. The main characters deal with honesty, self-control, and faith, while reaching their physical and emotional limits of self-endurance, to grow beyond their problems. They travel down difficult paths, with nothing but faith to cling on to, before they learn to truly love each other with selfless devotion. This book bears the unique stamp and hallmark of Susan May Warren’s books and makes a very interesting read. I recommend it to readers.

Miriam Jacob