
WELL, GIRL – Jami Amerine

In “Well, Girl: An Inside-Out Journey to Wellness,” Jami Amerine invites us to join her on a vulnerable journey to start living as loved and valuable, exactly as we are. Jami candidly shares her struggles and successes to encourage us to find our wholeness in Jesus. This book is a fresh approach to tackling an age-old conflict of battling weight gain and subsequent feelings of insecurity.

God never asks us to write anything without walking us through it first. Reading this book will change your life forever, because of who you are in Jesus. Jami’s words will break you out of your shell into freedom , to understand yourself as you truly are. Understanding your inner feelings will free your outer self. In this book, Jami unravels her true self along with her readers.

Jami analyzes the heart of a woman to find out how to set her free to be her real self, fully convinced that the inside frees the outside. This book is about the struggle we all face as seekers of Christ as Jami seeks to find out the greatest barrier to true freedom. Jami knows that Jesus is the answer to all our problems, absolutely certain that only He can set us free to tread the path to perfect health, wellness and fitness.

Jami explains that we must surrender a lifelong struggle to God and ask Him to guide us to the next step. As we humble ourselves before God, we are set free and liberated. To know God, we must need Him. Our God is more than enough. He is everything to us. Ask Jesus how to achieve your God-given dreams. Wait for His answer, which will surely come, in His time. I encourage you to read this inspiring book to set you on the path to true living, as God intends for you. Happy reading!

Miriam Jacob


I HEAR CHRISTMAS – Tattie Maggard

“I Hear Christmas’ by Tattie Maggard is the first book in the Swiss Amish Christmas Series. The two main characters, Joy and Lucado opt to help out to teach Christmas songs to children in the Christmas program at the old Amish schoolhouse. As Lucas and Joy sing perfectly well together, the Christmas program is all set to be the best one ever. It brings tears to the eyes of the school teacher, Emily. As their voices blended together in perfect harmony, it gave Joy the extraordinary feeling of being a part of something much greater.

Lucas had a learning disability in school that made him rather slow-witted at times. However, Joy found him incredibly interesting as he sang so beautifully in a rich, clear voice. Lucas put real feeling into the songs he sang with gusto. He had an extraordinary ear for music and taught Joy to sing Christmas songs to reflect the true meaning of Christmas, with Christ’s spirit reconciling us to God and connecting us with heaven.

As Joy sang, Lucas felt a soulful connection with her. He was frank, honest and straightforward, but so extremely vulnerable. Joy knew that he had social limitations and feelings of his own to be protected. At the same time, Lucas was full of surprises, with childlike innocence radiating from his calm and serene face.

Music transformed Lucas to life, making him forget his disabilities and limitations. Yet, when the music stopped, he became distant and withdrawn. Music played a big part in Lucas’ life. It made him come alive. To deny it was to deny his very existence.

Lucas had an uncanny ability to see the deeper meaning in things. He was over-sensitive and felt emotions deeply. Soon, Joy and Lucas realized that both their hearts beat as one, “in a soulful exchange of hearts.”

I really like the sensitive way in which Tattie Maggard portrays the developing relationship between Lucas and Joy. I highly recommend this delightfully clean romance to all who wish to ‘hear’ the true meaning of Christmas in their hearts.

Miriam Jacob