The Esther Anointing – by Miriam Jacob

The anointing of Queen Esther pleads life before the courts of heaven, making her plea through prayer and fasting, and her petition before the most powerful court of earth. What was written in the name of the King could never be revoked, who reigned in the mightiest empire at that point in history. The favor of heaven rested upon Queen Esther to move the heart of the King. 

The anointing of Esther is of extraordinary power, God-ordained authority and amazing favor, a favor of heaven recognized by this world, a favor that cries out for life for all God’s people, who have no voice to cry out for themselves.

Esther is raised up in this generation, to be placed in a position of influence where her voice can be heard, to cry out for life, freedom and mercy for those who have no voice, to cry out for God’s people who face persecution.

God raises up Esther! Let the anointing of favor fall upon Esther to stand before the courts of heaven and earth, a favor arising from bold, humble obedience and selfless courage, a favor to rest upon Esther who fears no one but God.

© Miriam Jacob