THE SEED OF FAITH – Dan Petronelli

“The Seed of Faith” by Dan Petronelli is well on its way to becoming an enduring and timeless Christmas classic for our times. This is a timeless tale of the inherent joys and blessings of faith and of having courage in the most challenging times. To plant the seed of faith in the mind of an innocent child is the greatest gardening we can ever do. There is no greater joy than to watch this tiny seed grow into a tall and stalwart tree, strong and sturdy, putting out branches to provide leafy shade for children and adults to shelter underneath. The seed of faith in the mind of a child is the most powerful gift we can ever give to the next generation. A child’s faith is beautiful to witness, delightfully fresh from God. By sharing this inspiring story with the world, Dan Petronelli is investing richly in planting the seed of faith in the hearts of little sons and daughters everywhere. Once children read this book, they will never be the same again. Their little minds will be enlightened like never before. They will want to read this awesome story over and over again. They will be captivated and spellbound with the beauty of such an inspiring book, filled with good morals and righteous deeds to enhance and enrich our day-to-day lives. Thank you, Dan, for giving this heartwarming story to the world. Through it, everyone will sense the serenity of your faith and give glory to your heavenly Father.

Miriam Jacob