DO THE NEXT RIGHT THING – by Emily P. Freeman

“Do The Next Right Thing” by Emily P. Freeman is all about the perpetual quest for the right ideal, the unending search for guidance in each questionable decision, and the prayer for strength to do the right thing. This concept is often seen in the Bible. After Jesus performed a miracle, He usually gave a simple instruction for the person to do.

This eye-opening book is all about making the right decisions in life, where choices are ours to make. It teaches us to make the right choices and decisions from God’s perspective, as we become more fully ourselves, when we abide in God’s presence. It helps us to be open, alert and responsive to listen to God’s voice, as He gently guides us about what to do next, and only ‘next,’ the next right thing.

At every turn, we eagerly hear from God. Each important decision we make has a long-lasting consequence. The outcomes of our choices and decisions shape our lives and eventually shape our characters, molding us into the image God intends us to be. Our correct, well-made choices and decisions shape us. Unmade or improper decisions can paralyze us in fear or open our hearts to love.

Emily P. Freeman guides us to learn how to create space in our souls to hear God’s voice, to do the next right thing, and make the correct choices and decisions in our lives. God is always with us in our indecisive moments, as we struggle to know what to do next, when life’s overwhelming burdens become too much for us to bear. As God gently eases our tired hearts with His loving presence and fills us with His divine peace, He helps us to untangle all the tangled knots in our lives.

Miriam Jacob