STAR OF PERSIA – Jill Eileen Smith

“Star of Persia, Esther’s Story” by Jill Eileen Smith is the exotic, out-of-this-world, true-to-life tale of how the simple, lovely orphan girl, Esther became the beautiful, honored and revered battle queen of Persia. Caught in the throes of the bitter intrigue and murky strife of palace politics, Esther finds herself in an impossible, catch 22 situation, one in which she can either risk her life or consign herself and her people to the fiery flames of annihilation.

With her impeccable flair for research and her imaginative, conversational, story-telling style, Jill Eileen Smith brings to life the romantic, suspenseful, and beloved story of Esther, drama queen of Persia.

Here in this book, you will meet real people with flaws and foibles, whose palpable emotions tug at your heartstrings, in this passionate story of the Bible’s greatest Jewish heroine.

Jill Eileen Smith weaves together richly crafted descriptions, well-researched historical detail, and merges them together in biblical stories with a fresh, new perspective.

I highly recommend this book to all who wish to make Queen Esther’s story come alive to readers of today. I was captivated and spellbound as I read it, line by line, page by page. I couldn’t put the book down until I reached the end. Great reading!

Miriam Jacob


TROUBLED WATERS by Susan May Warren

9781493412556 - Copy


ISBN: 9781493412556. PUB. DATE: Jan 2018. PRICE:  $14.99

“Troubled Waters” by Susan May Warren sparkles with redemption, resolution and saving grace amidst the picturesque beauty of a backdrop of wild Montana skies and sweeping scenery, wilderness suspense and romance. This is a high-stakes, swiftly-moving, dramatic, high-flying, mountaintop action-adventure, packed with snappy dialogue and flawed characters with emotional and spiritual challenges. It is a heartwarming story of love and sacrifice. It has an increasing complex plot and character development. Susan May Warren’s high peril situations are set at the height of human emotions, as she uses unusually trying situations and circumstances to make her characters depict illustrating truths. The main characters deal with honesty, self-control, and faith, while reaching their physical and emotional limits of self-endurance, to grow beyond their problems. They travel down difficult paths, with nothing but faith to cling on to, before they learn to truly love each other with selfless devotion. This book bears the unique stamp and hallmark of Susan May Warren’s books and makes a very interesting read. I recommend it to readers.

Miriam Jacob



THE DEVOTED – by Suzanne Woods Fisher


THE DEVOTED – by Suzanne Woods Fisher

Revell, Baker Publishing Group,

Pub Date: 04 Oct 2016. ISBN: 9780800723224. PRICE: $14.99

The Devoted by Suzanne Woods Fisher is a story of dreams deferred and hopes fulfilled – replete with Fisher’s mysterious signature twists. At home in Stoney Ridge, Ruthie Stoltzfus is lost in a bewildering sea of indecision about her future. Although she dearly loves her family, two questions gnaw at her heart constantly. Should she stay among her people, the Amish or should she leave to explore the stars on the horizon? Although ready and fully prepared to go, she just cannot put her foot forward to seize the moment and set the wheels of motion rolling to start her journey.

Meanwhile, Patrick Kelly, a young man on a peculiar mission of his own in Stoney Ridge, has come to convert to the Amish, adopt their language, customs and ways, while adapting to “everything Plain.” That transient thing called Time, to Patrick, is of the utmost essence. Every moment is to be cherished, as it will not come again but will be gone for ever. Ruthie is his Penn Dutch tutor. Ruthie’s defiant, next-door neighbor and former flame, Luke Schrock, cannot keep away from trouble, attracted to it like bees to honey or a moth to a flame. Rebellious and headstrong, Luke wants to win Ruthie back – if Patrick Kelly would not stand in his way. This is a book that will catch your attention, as Suzanne Woods Fisher unravels all the complicated tangles to set the record straight.

Miriam Jacob