My Garden of Prayer – by Helen Steiner Rice


My Garden of Prayer is a collection of inspirational Prayer Poetry by Helen Steiner Rice, the Poet Laureate of Inspirational Verse. She published several books of poetry and inspirational verses. Her first collection, published in 1967, was called “Just for You: A Special Collection of Inspirational Verses.” Helen perceived a need for greeting cards to inspire others. She wrote inspirational verses that reflected her ever-deepening faith in God. Her simple, sincere expressions of profound religious truths touched hearts and lives worldwide.

People wrote to Helen for encouragement and support with their personal problems. She saw her correspondence as a form of service to God. Helen believed her talent for easing human heartache through her verses was a God-given gift, to channel God’s love into the world. Helen Steiner Rice’s books of inspirational poetry have now sold millions of copies. Her strong religious faith and her ability to express deep emotion gave her poems timeless appeal.

Helen’s poem entitled “The Praying Hands,” which praised the holiness of daily selfless acts of service that often go unnoticed, aired on television, catapulted her into the national limelight and onto the world’s stage, giving her worldwide fame. “The Praying Hands” became one of the most popular greeting cards ever produced.
Always an “Ambassador of Sunshine” at heart, the rich and varied legacy of Helen Steiner Rice lives on in the hearts and minds of people worldwide, who are blessed by her prayer poems and inspirational verses.



I am like
an olive tree,
growing in
God’s garden.
I trust in
God’s constant love.
I will always
thank God
for His wonders.
I will say that
God is good.
I will speak
Of God’s love
And kindness.
God is my glory
And the joy
Of my life.
I am like a
unique flower
in His garden
spreading the
rich fragrance
of Christ my Lord.

© Miriam Jacob