I HAVE YOU IN MY HEART – Joseph Arthungal

“I Have You in My Heart”

Joseph Arthungal

“I have you in my heart”( Phil. 1:7), wrote Paul to the saints in Philippi. He was writing from prison, and he had the saints in his heart! “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy…”, he wrote as he suffered in prison. From such a heart arises thankfulness for others, prayers for others, and faith for others, Phil. 1:3,4,6. Thus we are partakers of grace with one another, Phil. 1:7.

See how intense Paul’s longing toward the saints in Philippi was: “For God is my witness, how greatly I long for you all with the affection of Jesus Christ,”Phil. 1:8. This is the affection of Jesus Christ (“tender mercies of Christ Jesus,” The Amplified Bible) filling our hearts and overflowing as great longing toward the saints. God gave Paul such a heart. We may trust God to give us such a heart, such affection of Jesus Christ, such longing toward the saints. Paul was in prison, but he was praying for the saints, and was writing a letter to encourage them. The letter he wrote has been read by saints down through the centuries, and millions have been comforted. Such is the power of a heart that bears the saints in love and in prayer. True ministry comes forth from such a heart.

“When I look into my heart, you are there”, wrote someone to a close friend. In the Church we bear one another in our hearts. This is the manifestation of the Body of Christ, and is so precious. Is this indeed possible? Yes, indeed, it is possible, if our hearts are warmed by the affection of Jesus Christ. Yes, indeed, it is possible, if the Holy Spirit fills our hearts with God’s love. And for this we may pray and trust God. God loves to give His love, because He is love, and it is His very nature to give. O Father! Fill our hearts with the affection of Jesus Christ. O Father! Fill our hearts with Your love.

If by grace we are filled with such love, we become valuable to the other members of the Body of Christ. We thank God when we remember each other as we go through daily life. Our thoughts and prayers are thoughts and prayers of faith, and they ascend towards God. Our words bless and build up others, not condemn and tear down. God will cause our face to shine for the comfort and encouragement of others. Others will see that our hearts are open to receive them. We receive others as Christ has received us.

In the Church our hearts are encouraged, being knit together in love (Colossians 2:2). In the Church we build with God’s love and God’s Word through God’s Spirit, and therefore we are God’s habitation (Eph. 2:22). It is all of God, and nothing of man. Amen.

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