Are you a broken vessel?
Have the cares, trials and hardships of life knocked you around
leaving behind unsightly cracks?
Me, too.

Are you also a mended vessel?
Has your Heavenly Father
healed, comforted, and
put you back together again?
Me, too.

Now, we are in the perfect condition
to allow these scars, these blemishes,
these very cracks
to be the very place
where God’s faithfulness
shines through the brightest.

Through our cracks,
others can see
God’s redemption,
God’s forgiveness,
God’s transforming power.

If you allow Him to,
God can take your deepest hurts
and in turn,
use them to touch others
with His love.

Are you a broken vessel?
Then shine, my friend.
Shine bright with the beauty of our God.