To the Moon and Back – by Kathi Macias

TO THE MOON AND BACK - by Kathi Macias

Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform 
(October 19, 2017)
ISBN-13: 978-1975940232

“TO THE MOON AND BACK” by Kathi Macias is an inspiring story of the love of family in the lives of people with dementia and their care-givers. The compellingly complex characters are extremely well delineated, their overwhelming struggles and extraordinary successes realistically depicted and powerfully portrayed, as Kathi Macias compassionately connects faith, family and Alzheimer’s into an amazing story with great wisdom and incredible insight. A family barely survives a past tragedy, only to be confronted with Alzheimer’s. No one escapes life’s traumatic struggles, and Kathi utters God-given answers through her characters with humble grace and selfless courage. What an amazing love story of a family whose mother has Alzheimer’s, that records their relationship with God. Each new day presents different challenges to overcome, as God showers His abundant grace and mercy into their lives.

Kathi Macias presents a novel story portraying the fragility of human relationships and addressing serious health issues, like Alzheimer’s, that devastating stealer of memories, paving the way for a deep-rooted understanding of hope, love, and faith. To the Moon and Back is a realistic true-to-life story, firmly anchored in God’s grace as old as time immemorial. An initial cloud of confusion veils its beginning, with a life-shattering diagnosis of Alzheimer’s, but with remarkable hope, rekindled faith, and reassuring love, Kathi Macias clears the pea souper fog of confusion to restore a perfect vision of clarity. This is a poignant, heartmoving story, overflowing with saving grace and sustaining hope, to strengthen the unshakable faith that God is at work in our lives. The book poignantly connects with the debilitating issues of disability and dementia, tackled with insightful wisdom and courage. It is the perfect choice for all sufferers and care-givers of Alzheimer’s.

After the devastating accident that altered life for Rachel, which she felt was her own fault, nothing ever prepared her for what followed. Unsure of exactly how it first started, the phantom darkness appeared often, making her feel forgetful, fearful, confused and even suspicious at times. Her husband was a semi-invalid, dependent on her. Their only child, Lilly, dealt with her own difficulties, including a divorce, but Rachel was unaware of most of this. Alzheimer’s had mercilessly invaded their home, shattering their fragmented lives into smithereens. Will they ever find healing, or will the darkness destroy them all in its unrelenting onslaught and relentless wake? Unconditional love is their only hope of a way out of this nightmare, if it was indeed possible at all.

In this compassionate, care-giving book, Kathi Macias pulls back the veil covering Alzheimer’s, a devastating disease that affects memory. In the midst of insurmountable challenges, Rachel and her family become aware of God, who offers loving comfort and perfect peace in Him, right in the midst of the storm. In the dedication, Kathi gently exhorts us “to take heart. God stands ready to carry you all the way.” Here is a revealing glimpse of dementia from inside the ravaged mind and body of the afflicted, and its radical impact on the family. Kathi Macias captures dementia with rare sensitivity and crystal-clear accuracy. I recommend this book to anyone who wishes to have a deeper understanding of dementia with its myriad, multifaceted angles.

© Miriam Jacob




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