“The Elusive Truth of Lily Temple” by Joanna Davidson Politano, features the silent-film actress, a smart, witty woman with a shadowy past. In the world of Edwardian England in 1903, a whimsical, multi-layered tale lies delicately sandwiched somewhere between the true world of reality and the imaginary world of make-believe. This exquisitely crafted work of Christian literary fiction explores the extraordinary relationship between the human nature and the eternal spirit as the reader patiently navigates through all the mysterious highways and byways of life, trying to discover its true meaning. As in all her inspiring books, Joanna captures the colorful, exquisite details in ordinary lives and highlights them in her own unique, inimitable style. Her inspired writing catches the reader’s attention from start to finish. It compels us to want to read every single book of hers. You will want to get your own copy. Happy reading!

Miriam Jacob


A MIDNIGHT DANCE – Joanna Davidson Politano

“A Midnight Dance” by Joanna Davidson Politano is all about ballet, a theatrical dance form, combined with music, costume and stage scenery. Full of graceful movements, it showcases a dramatic storyline, characterized in different scenarios, with grand staging, background effects, and orchestra music. The best moments in the dance of life are the unscripted ones, that happen purely by chance, just like the pure art of ballet. In one such dazzling encounter with a ballet dancer late one night, Ella is elegantly swept off her pointed toes in the dance of a lifetime. It certainly feels like a brand new beginning. Yet as she faces ever-mounting challenges, Ella wonders whether she is dancing precariously close to the edge of her own disastrous end? Or will the hidden secrets that are about to surface to life offer a sudden release from the unyielding, relentless grip of the horrific past? Ella’s heartmoving story is set in the glittering world of the Victorian ballet, where nothing is exactly as it appears to be, and even the familiar echoes with hidden secrets that threaten to spring to life. “A MIDNIGHT DANCE” is deeply atmospheric and poignantly rooted in the universal ache to love and be loved. I deeply appreciate Joanna Davidson Politano as an extremely gifted and talented author, whose brilliant, heartwarming novels give deep soul-satisfying joy to all her readers. I highly recommend “A Midnight Dance” in all its regal splendor, written in Joanna’s own unique, enthralling style.

Miriam Jacob


THE LOVE NOTE – Joanna Davidson Politano

“The Love Note” by Joanna Davidson Politano is all about the unravelling of a peculiar mystery involving a long-forgotten letter, a secret love and a vast estate. Can a determined young lady seek to assemble all the missing pieces of the jigsaw puzzle together?

All set for a promising career in medicine, Willa Duvall discovered a never-before-seen love letter in her old escritoire. Willa is driven by a strange compulsion to find the passionate person who painstakingly penned it, and the would-be recipient who unfortunately by a strange quirk of fate, never received it.

This Victorian-era tale of love lost-deferred-and-found, laced with hidden mysteries waiting to be discovered, is the perfect blend of historical romance, intrigue and mystery.

This tale is written in a powerful, lyrical style, with a complex plot, about noble yet broken characters, in an intricate tale of intrigue, that uncovers latent longings, multi-layered, deeply hidden and carefully concealed secrets and profound spiritual truths .

This highly engrossing historical fiction illustrates the awesome power of words, both expressed and unspoken, to have the power to affect Iives drastically.

Words have the extraordinary power to break hearts and hurt feelings. Words hurt, heal and love. Words with eternal impact are treasured forever.

Written in multiple layers with multiple points of view, the story takes shape and gathers momentum in intriguing, unpredictable and surprising ways. The noble characters are very well drawn and properly developed. Last but not least, a strong theme of feminism runs through the novel, assertive but not aggressive.

The Love Note,” with its prayer-filled content, is the poignant tale of how a mysterious, unsent love letter transforms the lives of the noble people at Creswicke Manor. I highly recommend this stunning book to all who wish to know the true story of the layers-within-the-layers.