EINSTEIN – Ottaviani & Dye

In this uniquely designed graphic biography titled “Einstein,” Jim Ottaviani and Jerel Dye peal off the external veneer of Einstein’s illustrious celebrity to paint an intimate, intricately complex portrait of the world’s most famous scientist, one of history’s greatest minds, remembered in every century by his world-changing equation, E = mc². However, who he really was always remained a hidden mystery, even to his closest friends. This is the inspiring story of a brilliant scientist, a humanist who couldn’t connect with people, a reluctant revolutionary who lived with a single dream, the human brain behind some of the last century’s greatest discoveries. Einstein’s brilliance was imaginative, intuitive, complex and confounding. Readers will find this captivating book very interesting to read, an excellent chance to analyse the man himself as he really was, an enigmatic genius.

Miriam Jacob

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