by Iris O.

Our lives are lived in a cycle of ebb and flow. Sometimes we think our ‘good’ seasons are spiritual and our ‘difficult’ seasons are weakness. That is untrue. Everything we walk through in this life is useful to develop our character and ultimately outwork our salvation. So when you are prone to chastise yourself for experiencing a difficulty, please stop for a moment to allow yourself grace. It’s the least you can do, because your Heavenly Father extends this grace to you, grace that came at a very high cost, the very life and blood of Jesus. It was a purchase paid for by Love. The prize is the Father’s, and that prize is you. Jesus redeemed you entirely, spirit, soul and body.

The Lord is there with you, in the everyday living, that we, as believers, often choose to dismiss somehow, as tainted and fleshly. But flesh is not to be ignored. It has been crucified with Christ, that’s true. However, we are created as triune beings, and as such Jesus has paid the price, fully, to redeem us fully. It’s our turn now to walk into fullness, with every task we do, every sorrow, pleasure or temptation we experience, and each failure or victory we encounter. It is all for Him and offered to Him whether in pain of suffering and failure, or in celebration of victory. It is ours to give as a fragrant offering to the Father. Offering the fullness of our lives in our everyday living, is a reasonable sacrifice.

Jesus thought our earthly life was so important that he came in the flesh. He didn’t come to bring death but life. He came here, to this earthly realm, to bring heaven to earth. In His plan, heaven and earth are to be one. He embraced walking the dusty roads, eating and drinking, toiling, sorrowing and rejoicing, all within community life. The common life. Jesus blessed it because He loved it, and He loved it because He loved us. He came to be present. So lets be present fully, here and now, in every moment of our living.

The key to being present is to rest in His Presence. This can be found by quieting your heart and mind and entering sweet union with the King of Glory. These are the glorious realms of His loving kindness. Take some time every day to sit with the Lord and cast your cares on Him. This is true communion. Now watch as He meets you there in this beautiful place, and as the indescribable bliss of union overtakes, you will know that all is well. Living your best life flows out of this place. Embrace and treasure this life, entirely. In doing so, you honour your Maker.

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