A HOPE FULFILLED – April W. Gardiner

“A Hope Fulfilled” by April W. Gardner is a Biblical historical fiction novel in which the book of Obadiah spring vividly to life. Tikvah boldly and bravely places her hope in God’s deliverance, according to Obadiah’s prophecy and fervently longs for the invigorating fresh air of freedom and the right to return to her own home. Action-packed drama is skillfully interwoven into this historic storyline. Here is a profound picture of the evil and difficult times that people had to endure. Tikvah represents the hope, endurance and faith in God’s promises even in the midst of the most terrible times, distressing situations and unpredictable circumstances.


REVELATION 5 – Cherry George Cherian

Revelation 5
Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?

The Lion of Judah has won the victory.. Only He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.

Our feet are in Babylon but our eyes must be fixed on Jerusalem.(The problem now with us, the church, is that both our feet and our eyes are fixed on Babylon.)

Christians have begun to look like Babylon . There is nothing distinct about us. Yes, we go to church on Sundays but the rest of the week we live like the world.

Why are youngsters not coming to church, everyone asks. Have you thought why?
Some say we are not culturally relevant. The truth is actually we are TOO culturally relevant. The issue is that when youngsters come to our fellowships, they see exactly the same things happening in our churches that is happening in Babylon.
The Babylonians quarrel , the church quarrels.
They play politics, the church plays politics.
There’s no trust outside and likewise none in the church.
Then what’s the difference?

The sharpness and effectiveness of the church does not depend on how close we are to the world but on how DISTINCT we are from the world.

A church pure is a church powerful!
We have strategies, plans etc. That’s not wrong but what is most important is that our eyes should be fixed on Jerusalem.
Our lifestyle must be decided not by the policies of the world but BY THE WORD OF GOD!

Revelation 4
Who is the One who sits on the Throne?

The Word is not to be disputed and argued about. It is to be OBEYED.

Does our lifestyle resemble the Kingdom lifestyle?
Does it resemble Babylon or does it resemble Jerusalem?
When we remember who sits on the Throne, our lifestyles must reflect it.

How should we go forward? We must remember who holds the keys.
If God decides to open the doors for the Gospel, WE DON’T HAVE TO WORRY WHO COMES TO. POWER!
Jesus holds the Master keys to evangelism. So no man can close that door if He wills to open it.
What is our role / involvement then?
Some keys WE have to open. God does the impossible, but we must do the possible. Remember Paul and Silas in prison.. God did what seemed impossible to man..He sent angels to free them !

We all have different callings.
Daniel and Jeremiah lived at the same time… Did you know that?
Both were used by God but in different places and very different circumstances ,to serve Him! … One lived in a palace.. The other was often in the stocks, in jail or thrown into wells!

If you live according to the standard of Jerusalem, there is a price to pay and only God knows that price.

Just reading the Bible does not make you a disciple.

William Wilburforce fought slavery for twenty years in England until the abolition of slavery.

We are just a small link in God’s big plan
We just need to do our small work with great love!
Who is worthy of praise?


Cherry George Cherian


THE ARK AND THE DOVE – Jill Eileen Smith

“The Ark and the Dove” by Jill Eileen Smith is the stirring story of Noah’s wife and a stunning way to experience the Great Flood as one never has before. Zara and Noah walk with the Creator all their lives in a wicked and defiant world, deeply committed to raising their three sons to follow in their footsteps. When the Creator tells Noah to build an ark to escape God’s wrath against the evil sins of all the people on earth, Zara steps out boldly and bravely in faith, an extremely significant course of action since everyone else, with the exception of her husband, her sons, and their wives are destined to be doomed to destruction. When the animals are finally shut up inside the ark, two by two,  Zara, Noah and their family embark on a mind-boggling adventure that tests their patience and their faith to the utmost, as they bravely await God’s deliverance and the appearance of dry land. In Jill Eileen Smith’s  fiction, women from the margins of biblical history are dramatically brought to life as our imagination swings into full gear. In this stunning book, we view the Great Flood through the eyes of Zara, Noah’s wife. Come and experience this unimaginable adventure as the action unravels in all its thrilling excitement. This is a reading experience like no other, to illuminate our vision of the Great Flood that wipes out the evil world, the Ark that protects Noah’s family and the Dove that is the harbinger of deliverance.

Miriam Jacob


KITCHEN DIARY – Miriam Jacob

Photo courtesy: UnSplash, Jason Briscoe

Cooking honours the Creator. It is a holy act to glorify God. It has a nutritional and a theological purpose, to feed the body and enrich the soul. God’s glory is displayed in the kitchen, as healthy food is graciously prepared for His glory. The cook has a holy job, to create healthy food to nourish our bodies, with ingredients provided by God, who sustains us with the living Word of his power to replenish our souls. The kitchen is the health hub of the house, the core of the home, the most important office on earth. Our very survival and existence depends on it.

I am in the kitchen, to do the cooking for the day. I cook in the kitchen for the love of God and family. As I cook, I sense the presence of God in a soothing peace that calms me. Creativity is in the kitchen. The God of heaven and earth is the God of the pots and pans, too. I cook with the ingredients He gives me. God guides me as I pray for the grace to prepare tasty, nourishing food. The crackling sounds of the pots and pans make me feel as if they are clapping for God. The appetizing aroma of the kitchen is like incense in God’s kingdom. The family for whom the food is deliciously prepared, are praising and clapping for God’s glory. All family members join together for the heavenly manna which God provides every day.

The familiar culinary sights and sounds in the kitchen inspire me as the fish cooks with its rich flavour. And when the vegetable pieces boil and blend together, delicious stew emerges with its healthy taste and fragrant aroma. The love of God stokes like a roaring fire within me as I cook at the stove and experience God’s presence powerfully in the kitchen. When I cook and write about my culinary experiences with prayer, the cooking becomes a great expedition. I worship God in the kitchen as I cook and serve my family wholeheartedly. The Lord shows me how to use the kitchen as a creative place. God takes me in hand and leads me, step by step, through the cooking.

Cooking is an act of worship to the Lord, a profound way to serve Him in creative action. There are no struggles for me in the kitchen. Only God’s loving help and guidance is here. Life is easiest in the kitchen for me. This is where I do worshipful work, cooking food for the family and praying to the God who loves me. The kitchen is my office, my lab, my work place, my prayer room. I serve God through cooking for His glory and honour. Cooking is an act of worship to the Creator, who created all the ingredients used in cooking.

I exercise my faith in the kitchen, among the pots and pans, in the midst of cooking fish and chopping vegetables. God gives me strength to do the daily chores, making the seemingly mundane tasks come alive. I see God in all things, big and small. Jesus is what my heart needs, right here in the kitchen. He guides my hand as I cook for His glory.

© Miriam Jacob

Life Revision Ezine, January-February 2024


THE SONG OF SONGS Word For Word Bible Comic

Word for Word Bible Comics presents The Song of Songs: Word for Word Bible Comic, a delightful 64-page graphic novel that features every word of the Old Testament Scripture word-for-word. It is a unique book with eye-catching images that are accurate to the historical, ethnic and cultural setting to make it a true representation of the original Bible story. A historically accurate and unabridged graphic novel of the Bible with a high view of Holy Scripture, it even exudes an authentic ambience of love that moves the heart deeply, to captivate the vivid imagination of the modern reader of today’s fast-moving world.