Cooking nourishes the soul in a most inspiring way. As I stand in the kitchen, ready to cook the most delicious meals, I feel a great sense of release within me, an exhilaration and exuberance that can only be felt, not explained. A divine peace and serene calmness wells up from the deepest recesses of my heart, a knowing that is my very own, stamped with God’s imprint. There is a personal touch here, a practical application that has to be tasted to be believed. The good things in life come naturally in God’s time, those divine moments in which time stands still, where the divine things of God touch humanity, a soul connection, a moment of nourishment, and warmth that is out of this world. Cooking feeds the body, mind, and soul. It boosts creativity and brings joy.

I am not flustered in the kitchen. I am never in a flurry or a hurry. I cook quietly in confident faith, knowing that my Father will meet all my culinary needs. I am confident in Him. Martha was “cumbered about much serving” (Luke 10:38-42) but Mary has chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” Trust His sufficiency. “God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:8). I pray to the Lord of Pots and Pans for efficiency and peace of heart and mind as I prepare to cook a meal and wash up the plates. I have Mary’s mind to worship God and Martha’s hands to serve with devotion.

Lord, fill the kitchen with Your love, and calm me with Your peace. Accept my humble service, that I do for love of family, for Your honour and glory. Amen.

– Miriam Jacob

First published in LIFE REVISION Ezine (March – April 2024)


KITCHEN DIARY – Miriam Jacob

Photo courtesy: UnSplash, Jason Briscoe

Cooking honours the Creator. It is a holy act to glorify God. It has a nutritional and a theological purpose, to feed the body and enrich the soul. God’s glory is displayed in the kitchen, as healthy food is graciously prepared for His glory. The cook has a holy job, to create healthy food to nourish our bodies, with ingredients provided by God, who sustains us with the living Word of his power to replenish our souls. The kitchen is the health hub of the house, the core of the home, the most important office on earth. Our very survival and existence depends on it.

I am in the kitchen, to do the cooking for the day. I cook in the kitchen for the love of God and family. As I cook, I sense the presence of God in a soothing peace that calms me. Creativity is in the kitchen. The God of heaven and earth is the God of the pots and pans, too. I cook with the ingredients He gives me. God guides me as I pray for the grace to prepare tasty, nourishing food. The crackling sounds of the pots and pans make me feel as if they are clapping for God. The appetizing aroma of the kitchen is like incense in God’s kingdom. The family for whom the food is deliciously prepared, are praising and clapping for God’s glory. All family members join together for the heavenly manna which God provides every day.

The familiar culinary sights and sounds in the kitchen inspire me as the fish cooks with its rich flavour. And when the vegetable pieces boil and blend together, delicious stew emerges with its healthy taste and fragrant aroma. The love of God stokes like a roaring fire within me as I cook at the stove and experience God’s presence powerfully in the kitchen. When I cook and write about my culinary experiences with prayer, the cooking becomes a great expedition. I worship God in the kitchen as I cook and serve my family wholeheartedly. The Lord shows me how to use the kitchen as a creative place. God takes me in hand and leads me, step by step, through the cooking.

Cooking is an act of worship to the Lord, a profound way to serve Him in creative action. There are no struggles for me in the kitchen. Only God’s loving help and guidance is here. Life is easiest in the kitchen for me. This is where I do worshipful work, cooking food for the family and praying to the God who loves me. The kitchen is my office, my lab, my work place, my prayer room. I serve God through cooking for His glory and honour. Cooking is an act of worship to the Creator, who created all the ingredients used in cooking.

I exercise my faith in the kitchen, among the pots and pans, in the midst of cooking fish and chopping vegetables. God gives me strength to do the daily chores, making the seemingly mundane tasks come alive. I see God in all things, big and small. Jesus is what my heart needs, right here in the kitchen. He guides my hand as I cook for His glory.

© Miriam Jacob

Life Revision Ezine, January-February 2024



Here are some heartfelt memories of my grandmother, thirty years after she went to heaven. She loved us all dearly. Her family and friends were her entire world. She lived a very fulfilling and satisfying life despite going through so much sorrow. She was a very brave, courageous and optimistic person, who always looked forward to the beauty of life and believed in living it fully to the hilt. She never allowed anything to pull her down. She always looked up at the beauty of the stars in the night sky. She found inspiration in every single thing her eyes fell upon and in everything she heard. Nothing ever missed her attention. She always spoke well about everyone. Everybody were her friends. She loved letter-writing with all her heart. She would have been a huge success on the internet today. I like to think that I walk in her footsteps and follow her example.

© Miriam Jacob


ONE DAY AT A TIME – Miriam Jacob

Let us take one day at a time,

Let us look at JESUS and be comforted.

HE is our reason for living.

In HIM, we live and move and have our being.

If not for JESUS, there would be no meaning in our lives.

It would be a dark, bleary existence.

But JESUS makes all the difference in our lives.

Because of HIM, we smile.

Miriam Jacob


A LIGHT IGNITED – Miriam Jacob


‘Turn out the light, ‘
said the world around me,
but in my soul
a light had been ignited,
that could not be extinguished,
a light that would burn
like the strong noonday sun,
casting an illuminating glow
that would turn
the whole world upside down,
a light ignited
by the Lord Jesus Christ
to burn forever.

© Miriam Jacob