“JUNKO TABEI MASTERS THE MOUNTAINS” is a historical novel about Junko Tabei, the first woman to climb Mount Everest, the tallest mountain in the world. It is an extremely encouraging and deeply empowering book. It issues a clarion call to all the courageous Rebel Girls of the World – No mountain is too high if you simply put one foot in front of the other and keep on going, step by step, higher and higher, until you eventually reach the summit, the mountain top, the ultimate peak. Focus on your challenge and complete your mission with all your heart and soul. Believe in yourself and in what you do. Give it your very best.

As a little girl, Junko was small and weak but she enjoyed climbing with all her heart. She loved what she did and she believed in it fervently. Junko Tabei went on to climb the highest peak in over seventy counties. She eventually became the very first woman to climb the Seven Summits, the highest peaks on all seven continents.

I call upon all the women of the world to achieve what their hearts inspire them to do. Believe in your dream and set out to bring it into reality. The sky is the limit! Only you know what you can really do and what you are truly capable of doing. Now, set out to do it. Thank you, Rebel Girls, for giving us this awesome book and countless others like it, all written in the same vein, exclusively designed to inspire women to become achievers and conquer the world.

Miriam Jacob